What is the driving force behind the films you’re releasing in 2025?
Human rights, culture, religion, history, world issues, and concern for democracy around the world are the most recurring themes, along with some lighter topics.
Are there any specific trends or topics that inspired your slate of films?
Mostly documentaries (and shorts) about important issues related to the above which is our main mission statement.
Are there any new genres or formats you’re exploring for the 2025 slate?
Documentaries and some fiction (mostly based on true events) including shorts and animation.
What audience demographics are you aiming to engage more deeply with your 2025 lineup?
Jewish interest, Hispanic/Latin X, African Americans, Asian American
Which of your upcoming films do you believe has the most potential for starting classroom discussions, and why?
The Other which delves into the complex conflict in the Middle East. It is a documentary exploring the complex relationship of shared humanity, culture, and connection between Israelis & Palestinians- and the transformative journey that follows when they are faced with meeting ‘the other’ amidst the difficulty of the conflict & occupation- providing an extraordinary example of what we are all capable of as humans.
Are there any upcoming films that would work well for public screenings around specific awareness months, such as Black History Month or Earth Day?
We've Been Here Before touches upon antisemitism and is suitable for Black History Month. It is an intimate look at the non-conformists in the punk subculture who fought back against white nationalists and neo-Nazis in the 1990s. The film draws connections between those battles and the current rise in antisemitism and hate that threaten democracy today, offering important lessons for the present.
Are any of your 2025 titles particularly suitable for movie night fundraising events?
Many films! It depends if the event focuses on a certain topic. Films like The Other, The Blond Boy from the Casbah, Dreaming of a Jewish Christmas, Beyond October 7th.
How do your films align with course subjects for college majors?
Our catalog features a diverse range of topics presented by filmmakers with firsthand experience, offering authentic insights and content that align closely with college course subjects.
Why should libraries prioritize licensing your films over-relying on streaming services like Kanopy or Hoopla?
We don't only offer educational licenses we also offer public screening that allows opportunities for post-screening discussions.
Can you share an example of how your films could be used in special events on campus, public libraries, or community venues?
This year 7th Art organized a world screening event on Tisha B'av, a Jewish commemoration day, gathering 130 communities to screen the film Legend of Destruction. You can read more here: https://www.7thart.com/2024/05/16/legend-of-destruction/
Are there specific licensing options, such as PPR (public performance rights) or digital site licenses, available for your upcoming titles?
All PPR, DSL and Educational DVD/Blu-Ray licenses are available. We work directly with all communities, universities to find what suits them most.