Written, directed, and produced by Mike Apsey, Adrift is a charming live-action story about a teddy bear named Rooney who becomes separated from his owner. When Jennifer Beasley and her mother get ready to go shopping, Jennifer's mother accidentally leaves Rooney on top of the car...and then drives off. It's a harrowing journey for the brave little tyke, as the car twists and turns down the road. But eventually, the bear falls off, and rolls into the bay. Adrift on the open sea, Rooney considers its fate and fervently hopes that young Jennifer will notice his absence and come looking for him. Fortunately, Rooney washes ashore at the park where Jennifer is not so happily celebrating her birthday. Unfortunately, someone throws him in the garbage before Jennifer has a chance to see him. It'll cost you a well spent 15 bucks to find out what happens to Rooney and Jennifer, cause I'm not telling. Adrift is a wonderful children's film that actually tells a good story (which, to me, seems increasingly rare in children's films). Adults will enjoy the film too (though, I'm a bit ashamed to say, for different reasons--it's kind of like a very mild Mr. Bill story). Highly recommended. Editor's Choice. (Available from: Deer Me Productions, 5422 Bayshore Blvd., Tampa, FL 33611.)
(1989) 23 m. $14.95. Deer Me Productions. PPR. Color cover. Vol. 6, Issue 8
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