Adventure Time is a long-running Cartoon Network series that first aired in 2010 and is still popular with both children and adults. The inaugural season is completely unlike the rest of the series in its composition and limited worldbuilding. Finn the Human (Jeremy Shada) is 12 the only known human living in the land of Ooo. He and his magical dog roommate Jake (John DiMaggio) act as knights for Princess Bubblegum (Hynden Walch), ruler of the Candy Kingdom where most of the first season takes place.
Under her command, Finn and Jake complete numerous quests in the name of the Candy Kingdom which range from defending the capital city from attack by candy devouring beings, apprehending and arresting enemies of the state, and providing security at royal events of all kinds. When not on the job, the boy and his dog spend their time as they wish, playing imaginary games that get too real or adventuring in the lands which surround the Candy Kingdom.
This first season of Adventure Time comes across as much more childish than the following seasons. This is due to many reasons during production, but mostly fear that Cartoon Network wouldn’t renew the series. Many of the episodes are one-off, silly, or small in the scope of the adventure. It is much more a simple children’s show at this point, but as the seasons continue, the story and the characters gain complexity.
This is an excellent season to recommend for younger patrons alongside the likes of Spongebob Squarepants, The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack, and Steven Universe: It’s colorful, engaging, silly, and fun and occasionally transfers a good moral or life lesson. The first season of Adventure Time is highly recommended for any public library shelves and would make an excellent draw for storytime library programming as a filler for those trickling in or as a treat afterward.
What public library shelves would this title be on?
Adventure Time would be at home next to other children's cartoons on public library shelves.
What ages is this children's series suitable for?
Younger children may enjoy this season more, but its PG rating makes it harder to recommend to those under age 10.