For Barbie, the original American idol, the third time's the charm. This computer-animated romantic fantasy--a marked improvement over her previous produced-for-video ventures--recasts the plastic icon as Odette, "just a girl from the village," whose adventures begin when she follows a unicorn into an enchanted forest. Unwittingly using a magic crystal to help free the entangled creature, Odette is stunned to learn from the Fairy Queen that she has been chosen to save the forest from the evil Rothbart. Although Odette/Barbie demurs that she is "the wrong girl," her kindness, laughter, and bravery ultimately empower her to face enormous dangers and fulfill her destiny. The producers of this class act were really on their toes: the London Symphony Orchestra performs the Tchaikovsky-inspired score; Peter Martins of the New York City Ballet choreographed the dancing sequences; and Kelsey Grammer is at his sinister, Sideshow Bob best as the voice of Rothbart, who transforms our heroine into a swan. DVD extras include a close-up look at the ballet dances of Swan Lake, an “Explore the Stars!” constellation game, and a documentary on students from the Julliard School of Music. Recommended. Aud: P. (K. Lee Benson)
Barbie of Swan Lake
(2003) 83 min. VHS or DVD: $19.98. Artisan Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). Color cover. Closed captioned. Volume 19, Issue 1
Barbie of Swan Lake
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