I know Barney bashing has become a national pastime, and that's a crying shame, because it should be an international pastime (an Olympic event perhaps). Barney invaded our space a number of years ago, and now he's going where no dinosaur has gone before--outer space. Here's the pitch: a young astronomy club meet one evening to see the stars, the ditzy grown-up falls asleep, and the kids, unsupervised, and with Barney's help, rocket to another planet where they meet a little alien pixie who sweetly says, "on our planet we always put our toys away when we're through with them." Yuk. Everyone sings (some original, some old-hat public domain tunes with new Barney-lyrics), then the club meets a weird (and I thought scary) Tickle Tree that "tickles" the children. Double Yuk. They finally return to Earth because...well...Barney needs to sell more dolls and stuff, right? If Barney wants to hype stuffed-self-portraits and sing "I love you, you love me" until he turns BLUE, I couldn't care less, but when I see a video box with a big red apple and a chalkboard promoting education on it, I expect to really learn something. Call me picky. Optional. Aud. P. (N. Plympton)
Barney in Outer Space
(Lyrick Studios, 50 min., $14.95, avail. Mar. 17) Vol. 13, Issue 2
Barney in Outer Space
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