In this entertaining program, Billy Jonas puts on a lively concert strummin' and drummin' on guitar and percussive instruments made from common household recyclables (think: Greenpeace meets Stomp). In between songs, viewers are treated to brief segments in which Billy demonstrates how to make music with everyday items such as tin cans, juice lids, beans, pots and pans, and plastic buckets. Intermingling traditional folk tunes (such as "Michael Finnigan") with original compositions, Jonas' interactive approach also features sing-alongs and dance. An upbeat, toe tappin' title that celebrates creativity and rhythm, this would make a good supplement to a K-4 music curriculum. Recommended. Aud: K, E, I, P. (L. Stevens)
Billy Jonas, Bangin' & Sangin'!
(2000) 41 min. $19.95. Big Kids Productions. PPR. Color cover. ISBN: 0-9668430-3-7. Vol. 16, Issue 1
Billy Jonas, Bangin' & Sangin'!
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