Fans of the British Baking Show and its American counterpart will enjoy this new family movie featuring a school baking contest complete with time limits, teachers as judges, and four excellent preteen bakers. Starring Devyn Mitchell in the lead role as Brie Hayes, the cast includes a diverse group of students and teachers and deals with issues such as friendship, loss, sportsmanship, financial difficulties, and competition. Comedy keeps the feature film from becoming too serious, and Adam Cooley, who plays the gay teacher and judge Mr. Claymore, is hilarious.
Brie Hayes is determined to win first prize at her school’s spring Bake Off Challenge. The first prize includes tickets to Cosmo Land and a $5,000 award toward college tuition. To compete for entrance into the bake-off challenge, students must first compete in the school bake sale by bringing in their favorite baking dish and selling the most goods. The rest of the student body uses tickets to purchase their favorite selections.
Using her grandmother’s recipe, Brie brings in brownies. Brie’s best friend Millie Thompson (Mallory Nertman) sells her baked goods and Brie’s adversary Vanessa Weiler (Delaney Disque) shows off colorfully decorated cupcakes. The baker’s son Jody brings in pies. Vanessa sells 53 tickets and comes in first place followed by Brie with 52 tickets. Millie and Jody come in third and fourth. As semi-finalists, Jody, Vanessa, Brie, and Millie now move on to the Bake Off Challenge occurring in a month. Brie is upset to come in second and they all begin to prepare for the baking contest.
When Vanessa’s father comes home from a hard day at work, Vanessa tells her father she won first place in the bake sale, but he just says that’s nice and turns to eat his dinner in front of the tv. The bake-off is a month away and Vanessa tells her father she needs to practice. On the other hand, in the Hayes household, all of the family is supportive of Brie’s quest, especially her little brother who loves to sample Brie’s sweets. To prepare for the competition, Brie’s mother helps Brie and Millie by having them hone their skills while she times them. Meanwhile, at school, Vanessa is spiteful toward Brie, and, during a dodge ball game, Vanessa is especially rough on Brie, resulting in Brie injuring her arm.
Just before the spring Bake Off Challenge, there is a fire in the school’s kitchen. Without access to the stoves, the teachers decide to change the competition to a No-Bake, Bake Off Challenge. In the three rounds of competition, students must make Krispy treats, banana pudding, and cheesecake. Judging is on presentation, creativity, and taste. Parents are invited to attend the event and Vanessa is upset when she doesn’t see her father in the audience. By the end of the competition, Vanessa reveals her motives for her behavior, and, the family comedy film ends on a good note. Recommended as a sweet and delightful comedy.
What kind of film collection would this title be suitable for?
Brie’s Bake Off Challenge would fit into a feature film collection, especially family comedy.
What public library shelves would this title be on?
This film is appropriate for family films or comedy films.
What ages would this film be suitable for?
This film is suitable for Grades 6 and up including family.