In this episode from the 16-part animated educational series Math Challenge (originally airing on the BBC), top secret agent Matt Mattics--whose only weapons are his math skills--is pitted against the evil Dr. Strangeglove, while viewers, as “special agents,” are invited to grab a pencil and paper to join Mattics in solving a variety of math problems to defeat whatever nefarious plan Strangeglove cooks up. Decimals features whimsical animation that is fairly basic, but the program moves at a brisk pace as the core math concepts are clearly presented and reviewed. Here, students will not only learn to identify decimals on a number line, but also practice rounding off decimals to the nearest whole number. Other titles in the series include: Equations, Fractions, Integers, Percentages, and Shapes. Recommended. Aud: E, I, J. (E. Gieschen)
Math Challenge: Decimals
(2002) 10 min. VHS: $19.95 (teacher’s guide included). Schlessinger Media (dist. by Library Video Company). PPR. Color cover. Closed captioned. ISBN: 1-57225-842-X. Volume 19, Issue 6
Math Challenge: Decimals
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