Inspired by the wildly popular over-the-top sport of Mexican pro wrestling, this all-Flash animated program from Kids WB's Saturday morning cartoon lineup follows the adventures of Rikochet, a youngster who attends masked wrestling classes at The Foremost World-Renowned International School of Lucha. Part of “The Three Mascaritas” trio--which includes buddies The Flea (who speaks in the third person and likes being grubby) and Buena Girl (a cheerful lass whose mantra is “it's all buena!”)--Rikochet lives by the code of the sport (“Honor! Family! Tradition! Donuts!”) and takes counsel from his enthusiastic talking action figure El Rey. This six-segment set includes Rounds One, Two, and Three. "One" features “Back to School,” which finds Rikochet battling a big bully on the first day of classes, and “How Rikochet Got His Move Back.” "Two" includes “Heart of Lucha” and “Weight Gaining”--Rikochet gorges to reach at least 650 lbs for equality in a three-on-one match. "Three" sports a 1970s time-travel plot for a teacher with a failed career in “Woulda Coulda Hasbeena,” and “The Anger of Cindy Slam.” Literally translated as “lots of wrestling,” Mucha Lucha! serves up a TKO in cutting-edge visionary humor for hard-to-enthrall ‘tweens. DVD extras include a behind-the-scenes making-of featurette, an animated music video, signature moves, trailers, and DVD-ROM features. Recommended. Aud: P. (J. Williams)
Mucha Lucha!: Heart of Lucha!
(2003) 65 min. VHS: $14.95, DVD: $19.98. Warner Home Video (avail. from most distributors). Color cover. Closed captioned. ISBN: 0-7907-7983-8 (dvd). Volume 19, Issue 1
Mucha Lucha!: Heart of Lucha!
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