In this fine animated children's title compiling the first two episodes in a projected series, young Walker arrives in Hong Kong with no knowledge of the Chinese language, but luckily meets an English-speaking Chinese girl named Ping Ping, who introduces Walker to her family (including her wonderful Grandpa Joss). In this pair of adventures, Walker and Ping Ping visit the Great Wall, the Bohai Sea, the Gobi Desert, and the Silk Road, and Walker learns about Chinese language, arts, and artifacts, ranging from dizi (Chinese flutes) and shadow puppets (pi ying xi) to calligraphy and how to make dumplings (jiao zi). An engaging production designed for ages 3-8 (my five-year-old son was saying common courtesy phrases along with Walker and Ping Ping by the end), The Adventures of Walker & Ping Ping features interesting characters, fine voice work, solid narrative pacing, and good animation. Highly recommended. Aud: K, E, P. (R. Reagan)
The Adventures of Walker & Ping Ping: The Great Wall & The Chinese Market
(2009) 50 min. DVD: $21.99. Little Emperor. Volume 24, Issue 2
The Adventures of Walker & Ping Ping: The Great Wall & The Chinese Market
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