How much does a child need to know about carrots? It might be different if the Carrot Growers of America provided this as free promotional material, but few librarians will spend twenty bucks so children can learn the four major varieties of carrot, especially when the kids won't even know the regions in France for which they are named. The tape is loaded with dumb jokes, cutesy remarks, obnoxious voice-over interruptions and any excuse to let the producer's kids mug for the camera. To mix culinary metaphors, it's just plain corny. However, six billion pounds of carrots are grown in the U.S. each year; libraries in carrot growing areas like Holtville, California (the former Carrot Capitol of the World) may wish to purchase. Very optional elsewhere. Aud: K, E. (R. Reagan)
The Carrot Highway
(1996) 40 min. $14.95 (teacher’s guide, $9.95 additional). Whisper Productions. PPR. Color cover. Vol. 11, Issue 5
The Carrot Highway
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