Clearly "inspired" by the 3-D animated VeggieTales series, The MusicLand Band: We Stick Together Like Glue features a computer animated cast of musical instruments and accessories, ranging from guitars to microphones. Best buddies Gil the Guitar and Eddy Electric experience friendship strains when Eddy's newfound rock star fame has Gil worried that things won't be the same (especially when Eddy returns home for a visit and doesn't call). Jealous Gil (equipped with an Elvis outfit, and a jitter-producing Vita-Drink) makes silly attempts to get everyone to notice him before realizing that there's been a "missed-understanding" and that although Eddy's situation has changed, their friendship has not. Featuring eight hummable tunes, and a Christian guitar pick named Jimmy who constantly pesters Gil with cautionary moral remarks, this is a decent addition, overall, for most collections. Recommended. Aud: P. (J. Williams)
The MusicLand Band: We Stick Together Like Glue
(2001) 30 min. $12.99. Touch Studios (avail. from most distributors). PPR. Color cover. Volume 17, Issue 5
The MusicLand Band: We Stick Together Like Glue
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