Based on Laura Krauss Melmed's children's book, beautifully illustrated by Jim LeMarche, this video adaptation of an original folktale about an older childless couple who discover twelve tiny babies (each encapsulated in a rather large drop of rain), adds narration by B.J. Ward and music by John Jennings, but very little in the way of visual effects. Plagued by a series of disasters--an overturned boat sends the rainbabies into the river, a lightning storm creates a fire around the rainbabies, a weasel nabs one of the little nippers--the old man and woman meet the challenge each time and are rewarded in the end. Lightly extolling the virtues of love, devotion and selfless bravery, The Rainbabies is worth purchasing not for its sparkling video pizzazz (which it lacks), but for its overall pleasant and uplifting presentation. Recommended. Aud: K, E, P. (R. Pitman)
The Rainbabies
(1999) 19 min. $60. Scholastic/Weston Woods. PPR. Color cover. ISBN: 0-78820-712-1. Vol. 14, Issue 5
The Rainbabies
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