When so much emphasis is placed on "winning," it's hard for kids to have the right attitude; unrealistic expectations only lead to disappointment and feelings of failure. Armed with a positive attitude, however, kids will be better equipped to deal with life's everyday challenges. That's the lesson that the Can Do Club--a group of puppets and 3 human friends--tries to get across in this video. Unfortunately, somewhat low production values detract from the positive message (only two angles are used for shooting and the edits are slow). The accompanying guide lists some activities to reinforce ideas of consideration, cooperation, positive attitude, and generosity. A very optional purchase. Aud: K, E, I. (E. Gieschen)
Winners! Building Positive Attitudes in Kids
(1998) 29 min. $69.95 (includes leader's guide). Geffner Productions (dist. by Bureau For At-Risk Youth). PPR. Color cover. ISBN: 1-885687-04-4. Vol. 13, Issue 2
Winners! Building Positive Attitudes in Kids
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