Based on Junichiro Tanizaki's titular novel, Kon Ichikawa's 1983 Japanese film follows the lives of four adult sisters who have difficulty adapting to changes in their lives. The story is set in 1938 at a time when the Makioka siblings have lost both their parents and their wealth from the family kimono business, which was sold off to repay their father's debts. The oldest women, Tsuruko (Keiko Kishi) and Sachiko (Yoshiko Sakuma)—both in not entirely happy marriages—take it upon themselves to guide the younger two, Yukiko (Sayuri Yoshinaga) and Taeko (Yûko Kotegawa), setting up introductions to potential suitors. But the shy Yukiko is not interested in any of the men brought forward, while Taeko (who cannot marry, by protocol, before the older Yukiko) begins to rebel by creating a mildly successful doll-making enterprise (and sneaking cigarettes). The film is visually lush, with richly detailed costumes and sets that are captured in crisp, brilliant color cinematography by Kiyoshi Hasegawa. Unfortunately, Ichikawa doesn't convey an emotional vibrancy that matches the visual panache. Instead, The Makioka Sisters becomes a somewhat plodding experience as various dramatic strains here are played out at great length (the film clocks in at almost two-and-a-half hours), without any ultimate impact. Extras include a booklet featuring an essay by film scholar Audie Bock. An optional purchase. (P. Hall)
The Makioka Sisters
Criterion, 140 min., in Japanese w/English subtitles, not rated, DVD: $19.95, Blu-ray: $29.95 November 21, 2011
The Makioka Sisters
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