A quarterly newsmagazine, which airs on some PBS stations, In the Life travels the country reporting on news and cultural events of interest to gays and lesbians. We watched the Summer, 1995 episode. Hosted by Katherine Linton, this well-produced and entertaining hour opened with a Gay Pride March in Helena, MT (a site unthinkable a quarter of a century ago), then visited San Francisco's Castro St. and the Mission district (which supports a strong lesbian community), and stopped in Milwaukee, WI (the first state to pass a gay rights statute) to check out the climate of tolerance in a city famous for beer. Other segments spotlighted the lives of two gay men: playwright Dan Butler, who plays a maniacally heterosexual character on Frasier, and Gene Ulrich, mayor of the small town of Bunceton, MO for eight consecutive terms. Finally, the program highlighted the S.F. mayoral race, and upcoming gay-themed summer movies, such as Jeffrey. While many of the pieces were interesting, the combination of dated material and high price (comparatively) for a video magazine makes this a very optional purchase. Also available are the Fall, 1994; Winter, 1994; and Spring, 1995 issues. A better choice here might be the more daring Network Q (VL-9/94), with individual monthly issues priced at $24.95. Aud: C, P. (R. Pitman)
In the Life
(1995) 57 min. $99.95. Cinema Guild. PPR. Vol. 11, Issue 3
In the Life
Star Ratings
As of March 2022, Video Librarian has changed from a four-star rating system to a five-star one. This change allows our reviewers to have a wider range of critical viewpoints, as well as to synchronize with Google’s rating structure. This change affects all reviews from March 2022 onwards. All reviews from before this period will still retain their original rating. Future film submissions will be considered our new 1-5 star criteria.
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