In this comedic animated film first released in 2013, Aya (Aissa Maiga, voice) lives in a neighborhood called Yopougon or “Yop” for short on Africa’s Ivory Coast. Everyone speaks French and Koupoukou is a favorite drink. Yop city is known for the many pretty “chicks” that the young men constantly hit on—including Aya’s friends Bintou (Tella Kpomahou, voice) and her sister Adjoua (Tatiana Rojo, voice).
While most young women are interested in clothes and men, Aya has dreams of becoming a doctor. Smart, kind, and considerate of her family and others, Aya lifts up those around her.
Since this is a comedy, there are plenty of hilarious twists and turns. Aya’s father is the manager for the Sissoko Beer factory. Mr. Sissoko, the president, invites Aya's family over to dinner in hopes of matching his son Moussa —who he terms a wastrel —with Aya, who he considers beautiful and smart.
Party girl Bintou learns about the potential match between Aya and Moussa and proceeds to chase after him. Bintou is also interested in Moussa because he will inherit the factory someday and she wants to look out for her own future.
When Bintou gets grounded, her sister Adjoua chases Moussa and also spends time with their cousin Mamadou. Then, Adjoua discovers she is pregnant and her ambitious family tries to pin the baby’s father on Moussa. The two families get together to plan a wedding. Mrs. Sissoko is so repelled by her son marrying someone from Yop city, she plans the cheapest wedding possible: plastic plates, no silverware, outdated beer, and plastic flowers.
Once the baby is born, it’s clear baby Bobby does not resemble Moussa! Mr. Sissoko gives Adjoua’s Dad one week to prove the baby is really Moussa’s child. Adjoua’s father takes pictures of all the relatives to prove the baby does indeed look like their family. Finally, it is clear who the real father is. While stories of the consequences of unprotected sex and secret affairs are not new, the colorfully animated characters in this film lend a new humorous take on the subject; and, the art design is excellent. Recommended for library programming on animated films with adult themes. Aud: H, C, P.