Pokémon fans will find Lucario and the Mystery of Mew to be a vast improvement over the last few feature-length entries in the series. The film begins with an ancient battle that ends when a powerful Pokémon named Lucario is sealed within the staff of his human master just as the latter abandons his castle. Released centuries later to help returning Pokémon hero Ash find his vanished Pikachu (along with another legendary Pokémon, Mew), Lucario and the others embark on a dangerous journey to the Origin Tree. A second disc features the bonus hour-long "Pokémon: The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon," in which a "mirage" system built to recreate extinct Pokémon is overwhelmed by a mysterious figure called the Mirage Master. DVD extras include “making-of” footage and a manga booklet. Suitable for 7-up, this dual-language two-disc set is recommended. Aud: P. (T. Keogh)
Pokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
(2006) 2 discs. 101 min. DVD: $19.98 (booklet included). Viz Media (avail. from most distributors). Color cover. Closed captioned. ISBN: 1-4215-1349-8. Volume 21, Issue 6
Pokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
Star Ratings
As of March 2022, Video Librarian has changed from a four-star rating system to a five-star one. This change allows our reviewers to have a wider range of critical viewpoints, as well as to synchronize with Google’s rating structure. This change affects all reviews from March 2022 onwards. All reviews from before this period will still retain their original rating. Future film submissions will be considered our new 1-5 star criteria.
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