Given the immense popularity of Spider-Man, this informative and entertaining how-to (newly released on DVD) should prove popular with novice or even experienced artists interested in comic book artwork. Buoyant hosts Marvel Comics chairman Stan Lee (creator of Spidey) and illustrator John Buscema offer pointers on the Marvel flair (seen in comics such as X-Men, The Incredible Hulk, Fantastic Four and Conan the Barbarian). Topics covered include: tools (brushes, ink and erasers; although, according to Lee, "Marvelites hardly ever make mistakes"), terms ("splash page," "gutter," and "sound effect"), and techniques (nearly every drawing can be created using a combination of spheres, cubes, and cylinders), with more tips on inking, drawing heads, and making art more dramatic, gallant, and compelling--"the way Marvel would do it." Sporting solid instruction and constant reassurances (with, unfortunately, a few sexist remarks, such as "obviously, we do not emphasize the muscles on a woman"), this excellent overview is highly recommended. Aud: H, C, P. (J. Williams)
How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way
(1988) 58 min. VHS: $9.99, DVD: $14.98. Anchor Bay Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). Color cover. Volume 17, Issue 5
How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way
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