The top-rated Discovery Channel-aired Monster Garage is an enthralling reality series with an ironic bent. Teams of mechanics, designers, machinists, and welders--all strangers to one another and led by outlaw biker and West Coast Choppers founder (and Sandra Bullock hubby) Jesse James--are faced with such unusual challenges as converting an ordinary van into a garbage truck, adapting a convertible sedan into a lawn mower, and retooling a zippy Chevrolet into a functional Zamboni. All of the planning, experimenting, ripping apart, reassembling, and general madness must be accomplished within seven days and at a measly budget of $3,000, and while it's fun to see this Frankenstein's-monster-in-the-making process, the real kick of the show lies in watching the interactions between sundry gear-heads from the margins of society as they collaborate with shop teachers from high schools and upscale car designers. Surprisingly, this is a great show for kids, too--as it soon becomes clear that even outlaws need to know their geometry and physics. DVD extras include the 50-minute bonus documentary, "Under the Hood." Highly recommended. [Note: Monster Garage, Season Two is also available.] (T. Keogh)
Monster Garage: Season One
Sony, 3 discs, 650 min., not rated, DVD: $29.99 August 8, 2005
Monster Garage: Season One
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