Narrated by Oscar-nominated English actor Alan Bennett, and written and produced by Joe Austen, this stop-motion model animated series suffers a bit from a stilted pace and milquetoast storylines. Helping Hands introduces shop owner George, a dog who runs the magical goods-filled Story Store (think vanishing creams and shrinking powder) along with his vertically challenged pal Pip (kind of a cross between a Mr. Potato Head and a Troll doll). When the wind messes up the store on a blustery day, George uses his enchanted "Helping Hands" (a lifelike pair of Mickey Mouse-style gloves) to assist in the cleanup. When monkey neighbor Angus Puggle's chimneypot malfunctions, George loans him the hands, but Angus ignores George's warning not to work the little gloves too hard (and the infuriated hands end up throwing food on bossy Angus and ruining his hat). Also included are two bonus episodes: “Granny's Second Childhood,” which follows the escapades of elephant Granny Clump as she nearly sabotages her own garden party by acting wild after sipping from George's "water of youth" pool; and “The Better Half,” also featuring Granny Clump, whose grandson Sammy's erroneous purchase at the Story Store results in Granny's body separating at the torso (it's certainly not the bunion balm she wanted!). Packaged with a 32-page color booklet of the story Helping Hands, this fanciful but rather bland program is a strong optional purchase for larger children's collections. [Note: other titles in the Story Store series include Music and Moonlight Christmas Special, A Quiet Day, Special Delivery and Who's Minding the Store?] Aud: K, P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Story Store: Helping Hands
(2005) 30 min. DVD: $12.98. <span class=GramE>Inspired Corporation (avail. from most distributors).</span> <span class=GramE>Color cover.</span> ISBN: 0-7396-0645-X. August 8, 2005
Story Store: Helping Hands
Star Ratings
As of March 2022, Video Librarian has changed from a four-star rating system to a five-star one. This change allows our reviewers to have a wider range of critical viewpoints, as well as to synchronize with Google’s rating structure. This change affects all reviews from March 2022 onwards. All reviews from before this period will still retain their original rating. Future film submissions will be considered our new 1-5 star criteria.
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