FILM PLATFORM connects audiences with leading documentary films from across the world.
Our collection is meticulously curated by film experts and leading academics to showcase meaningful documentaries of social, political, and cultural importance. Each of our films upholds the highest standards and speaks directly to today’s most pressing topics and concerns.
Expanding educational accessibility to documentaries to maximize the impact and extend the life cycle of the film is what we specialize in, using data analyses and business intelligence systems.
We are a double baseline company that promotes critical thinking in the classroom and equip our audiences with tools to navigate some of the most pressing issues of our time. We help facilitate pertinent discussions that surround our films and make them central to the current academic conversation.
We work with organizations ranging from higher education, K-12, nonprofit, government organizations, and corporations to create awareness, spark debate, and inspire change. The growing preference for visual learning is our opportunity and we strive to support media literacy and the use of documentary storytelling as a part of educational programs.