Kenny Dalsheimer founded The Groove Productions in 1996. He received his MA in Anthropology from Duke University in 1985 and then taught middle school social studies for ten years at Carolina Friends School in Durham, NC. In 1996, Kenny reconnected with his childhood dreams of capturing the world around him through film. He believes in the power of documentary film to open windows into the lives and creative work of people with stories to tell.
Kenny has long looked for ways to marry his teaching, creative, and social justice interests in his work. Over the years, he has split his time directing documentaries, editing and shooting for film projects, producing non-profit and community videos, and teaching youth video workshops.
The Groove Productions was born during the making of his first film project – "Go Fast, Turn Left: Voices from Orange Country Speedway". 'The groove' is a racing term for, "the fastest route around the track".
In addition to documentary and video projects, The Groove Productions offers a full palette of production and editing services.