WILLOW MIXED MEDIA, INC. is a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit, tax-exempt arts and educational organization engaged in producing and distributing works of art and social interest. Since 1979, WILLOW MIXED MEDIA, INC. has produced many documentaries and arts projects including:
Rails to the Catskills, Sweet Violets, The Catskill Mountain House and The World Around, Stanley's House, Hudson Valley Solar, Shandaken Remembered, Fully Loaded: The Sculpture of Janice Dale Klein, Dad Art: Old Age, Sickness, Death and St. Teresa with Linda M. Montano, Indian Point- Nowhere To Run, Deep Water: Building the Catskill Water System, Volunteering for The River, Always Creative with Linda M. Montano, Flags: Post 9/11, Stream: A Meditation, The Touch: Preventing Sexual Misconduct in Law Enforcement, Cancer: Just a Word...Not a Sentence, The Hudson River PCB Story: A Toxic Heritage, Woodstock Summer of '94, The Infertility Tape: A Couple's Guide, Giving Birth, The Space Bridge Project's “Citizen Summit, with Phil Donahue and Vladimir Pozner” and Sun As Source, a major show of solar art both as art & functional heating materials. Included in the exhibition sites was the 1982 World's Fair in Knoxville, TN. Additional projects include: The March for Disarmament, Will Our Children Thank Us, with Dr. Benjamin Spock, Outdoors Across America, a show of public art on billboards in selected urban and rural sites, and the Clearwater Education Project.
Willow Mixed Media has provided production services to many public and not-for-profit organizations including: Kingston Hospital, Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Ulster County BOCES, Orange -Ulster BOCES, Scenic Hudson, Ulster County School to Work Program, Orange County Private Industry Council, Janine Williams Youth Dance Company, The Vanaver Caravan, Atlanta Ballet, Mt. Desert Island Biological Laboratory, Institute of Ecosystems Study, The Empire State Railway Museum, The Children’s Annex, and the Greyston Foundation, Margo Sappington, choreographer, Elizabeth Mitchell Children’s Musician, BBC-TV, London, Sirriya Din, “Happiness” project, “Ansar And The American Dream” documentary.
SUPPORT for Willow Mixed Media and its projects has come from: ASDG, Inc., Bydale Foundation, Bread and Roses Community Fund, Canopus Corp., Carpel Video, Catskill Watershed Corporation, Commodore Business Machines, Digital Processing Systems, Experimental TV Center, I.DEN Corporation, Intel, Media Bureau, National Endowment for the Arts, National Community Funds, NY State Council on the Arts, O'Connor Foundation, Pennsylvania Humanities Council, Primera Technology, Inc., Vidtech International, Woodstock Chimes Fund, Yip Harburg Foundation, plus individual contributors.