From the creators of the beloved VeggieTales series comes another campy Christian animated comedy--3-2-1 Penguins!, featuring sibling youngsters Michelle and Jason…and penguins. The series opener, Trouble on Planet Wait-Your-Turn, finds the kids--who are bemoaning the prospect of a long, humdrum summer with their devout grandmother--bickering over a telescope in granny's attic, when suddenly Jason is shrunk and transported him into the realm of a quad of nattering, peppy penguins. Jason and the dippy birds blast off for a world of vacuum cleaners who are all experiencing a glitch that is causing the whole planet to be pulled uncomfortably close to the sun. Thanks to one of Granny's lessons, Jason counsels patience and saves the day. Young (and old) viewers will enjoy the corny jokes from the wacky penguins (ex: we hear "Bonzai!," as in the war cry, and see a shot of a penguin clipping a bonsai plant), appreciate the genuinely unique premise, and benefit from the low-key lessons in ethics. DVD special features include penguin karaoke, a trivia game, Easter eggs, a space maze, and a recipe for "Delectable Deep Space Dust Bunnies." Recommended. [Note: also available, at the same price, the second episode, 3-2-1 Penguins! The Cheating Scales of Bullamanka.] Aud: K, E, P. (J. Williams)
3-2-1 Penguins! Trouble on Planet Wait-Your-Turn
(2002) 60 min. VHS: $12.95, DVD: $19.98. Big Idea Productions (avail. from most distributors). Color cover. December 16, 2002
3-2-1 Penguins! Trouble on Planet Wait-Your-Turn
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