This 13-episode 2015 first season of the 3D motion-animated series spin-off from the popular Angry Birds video game franchise serves up a strange compilation of related shorts featuring the titular pink heroine. Without using words—except for a brief muffled “sweet” or “hey”—Stella and her brightly colored friends communicate through expressions and convey their emotions through noises. “A Fork in the Friendship” finds purple bird Gale drunk with power after she discovers a crown and a magic book—and is immediately worshipped by a gaggle of weird green pig-like creatures. “Bad Princess” alerts Stella and the gang to Gale's new stature, while other episodes center on hang-gliding practice (“Own the Sky”), power plays (“The Golden Egg”), an awkward celebration (“Don't Steal My Birthday”), and a Stella/Gale showdown (“To the Bitter End”). Extras include behind-the-scenes featurettes. Offering very little in the way of life lessons, this is not a necessary purchase. Aud: P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Angry Birds—Stella: The Complete First Season
(2015) 78 min. DVD: $14.99. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). Volume 31, Issue 2
Angry Birds—Stella: The Complete First Season
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