Narrated by author Teresa Bateman, this iconographic animated program (suitable for ages 4-8) is based on the 2004 Booklist “Editor's Choice” picture book, illustrated by Nadine Bernard Westcott. The rhyming verse of April Foolishness follows the silly antics of two grandkids who visit their grandparents' farm, where they pester their grandfather all morning long with wild tales about the animals getting into trouble (running loose and breaking gates). But Grandpa simply scoffs and continues to cook his breakfast…because he knows it's April Fools Day! After he tells Grandma he's on to the kids' hijinks, she responds with a little April foolishness of her own. Also featuring a bonus “Meet the Author” voiceover segment (with Bateman talking about her family, job as a school librarian, and love of books), this whimsical adaptation is recommended. Aud: K, E, P. (J. Williams-Wood)
April Foolishness
(2006) 10 min. VHS or DVD: $49.95. Nutmeg Media. PPR. Color cover. ISBN: 1-933938-13-7 (dvd). Volume 21, Issue 6
April Foolishness
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