Narrated by Dave Calabrese, this iconographic animated adaptation of the 2009 picture book written and illustrated by Andy Rash finds a would-be cowboy named Roy receiving a fun gift for his birthday: a saddle that comes with the instructions to “find a horse” and “enjoy the ride.” Ironically, Roy doesn't exactly know what a horse is, so he sets off on a 20 Questions-like journey to narrow down the field. During the process of elimination, Roy meets plenty of things that aren't horses, such as a cactus (“I bristle at the thought!”), a muddy pig, a slowly speaking sloth, a man-eating lion, and a zebra, although his methods of trial and error lead to a funny twist ending. Featuring vibrant gouache and India ink artwork, DVD extras include a “Sharing My Story” conversation with the author and a read-along segment. Recommended. Aud: K, P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Are You a Horse?
(2010) 18 min. DVD: $49.95. Nutmeg Media. PPR. ISBN: 1-933938-73-0. Volume 25, Issue 6
Are You a Horse?
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