Spawned from the incredibly popular PBS Kids series, Arthur's “first-ever” CGI animated movie continues the escapades of the ‘tween aardvark and other characters from Marc Brown's beloved children's books. Generally speaking, Arthur is a good kid who takes life lessons to heart, but in the responsibility and forgiveness-themed Arthur's Missing Pal our hero messes up big time: busy playing in a water balloon war with his friends (including bunny Buster, who has his own Postcards from Buster spin-off series), Arthur neglects to feed and walk his adorable puppy Pal. By the time Arthur finally remembers his pet, the poor little guy has taken off (on a separate parallel adventure of his own), leading Arthur to rally the gang to help with the detective-style search (bratty sister D.W. knows more than she's telling…). Not to worry, Arthur's Missing Pal will leave young viewers smiling in the end, and they're sure to enjoy the spiffy animation. DVD extras include storyboards and a pair of games. Highly recommended. Aud: P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Arthur's Missing Pal
(2006) 68 min. DVD: $19.98. Lionsgate Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). Color cover. Closed captioned. Volume 21, Issue 6
Arthur's Missing Pal
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