This compilation of three episodes from the second season of the computer-animated public television-aired series Auto-B-Good follows a bevy of anthropomorphic cars living in the City of Auto. Shifting to High Gear kicks off with “A Taxing Problem,” which finds daredevil Johnny teaching impressionable young EJ how to do donuts and ignoring conservation advice about wasting resources like fuel and tires. Johnny just doesn't get it…until a van full of tacks accidentally spills its contents across town and the cars are forced to hobble around for several days due to a tire shortage. When Johnny finds a spare set of “Air Gordons” in his garage, he hides them from others and zooms around at night, but eventually learns that sacrifice and sharing win out in the end. Also included are “Issadora's Box” (in which the titular young car dishonestly peeks at her birthday present) and “Extreme Overhaul” (following the transformation of truck Derek, whose new spiffy exterior actually hinders his activities, teaching him a lesson about self-acceptance), as well as the bonus episode “The Secret of Success.” This compilation from the Dove Family approved and Telly Award-winning lesson-filled series is recommended. Aud: P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Auto-B-Good: Shifting to High Gear
(2009) 50 min. DVD: $7.99. Rising Star Studios. Closed captioned. Volume 25, Issue 3
Auto-B-Good: Shifting to High Gear
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