This 3D-animated Canadian-French series finds Jean de Brunhoff's beloved character Babar the Elephant older in years and now a grandfather, as well as being the long-established king of Celesteville. This contemporary offering focuses on 8-year-old grandson Badou and his loyal friends Chiku the monkey, Jake the fox pup, and Munroe the porcupine, all of whom experience adventures that often go awry. Other new characters are also on hand, along with some familiar faces and names, including Queen Celeste, Cornelius the Prime Minister, and Lord Rataxes, king of Rhinoland. This compilation of eight episodes includes “Operation Secret Suitcase,” in which Jake mistakenly believes that he is moving away from the palace for good, which causes much consternation within the gang of pals. The funny “Sneazles” finds an illness rapidly spreading through the palace, causing violent sneezing: when Babar himself comes down with sneazles and is forced to go to bed, the scheming Crocodylus (an ambassador who is always trying to get ahead) plots to take over the throne. “Bad Bounce” concerns yet another Crocodylus hidden agenda, this time a plan to ingratiate himself by using his nephew's budding friendship with Badou. And “Heropotamus” begins with Babar reading a story to Badou, Jake, and Chiku about a fictional hero, inspiring the little ones to go off on an adventure of their own in a rather forbidding forest. Highly recommended. Aud: P. (T. Keogh)
Babar and the Adventures of Badou: Gone Wild
(2010) 90 min. DVD: $12.98. Entertainment One (avail. from most distributors). ISBN: 1-4172-4320-1. Volume 29, Issue 6
Babar and the Adventures of Badou: Gone Wild
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