In this ultra-materialistic installment of the animated movie franchise showcasing Mattel's blonde icon Barbie (voiced by Diana Kaarina) as a famous actress, the golden-locked heroine discovers a whole alternate fairy universe when boyfriend Ken is kidnapped by Princess Graciella—a spellbound sprite who wants to marry him—and Barbie's fashion stylists Taylor and Carrie reveal their own magical powers (via pink lace-up shoes and a purple purse). In a collaborative effort to rescue Ken, Taylor and Carrie take Barbie and co-star/rival Raquelle to a boutique outfitted with a portal that enables them to fly to Paris to meet fashion editor Lilliana and be equipped with a mist that will release Graciella from the spell. Then it's off to Gloss Angeles, where the humans receive detachable wings so they can fly to Graciella's castle. Meanwhile, Ken must duel with his captor's boyfriend, Zane. Naturally, Barbie prevails—which means both saving Ken and becoming friends with Raquelle. Young viewers with an addiction to pink, purple, ruffles, and sparkles will probably enjoy this, but there's little educational value here, and the emphasis on shopping is pronounced (the commercial toy line includes dolls, flying horse figurines, and books). DVD extras include outtakes and a music video. Optional. Aud: P. (K. Fennessy)
Barbie: A Fairy Secret
(2011) 90 min. DVD: $19.98. Universal Studios Home Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). Volume 26, Issue 3
Barbie: A Fairy Secret
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