This latest computer-animated entry in the fluffy music-filled series based on the Mattel doll franchise features Barbie in a dual role in a loose adaptation of the Mark Twain classic The Prince and the Pauper. A celebration of the 500th anniversary of the kingdom of Meribella includes plans for a sparkly concert featuring hardworking purple-wigged pop singer Keira. When the songstress meets the mischievous and sweet Princess Tori, the nearly lookalike teens immediately connect, bonding over the different ups and downs in their lives, and discovering that each has a magic tool (hairbrush, microphone) they can use to transform into each other. While each girl takes on new responsibilities—with mixed results—conflicts arise in the form of Tori's snobby aunt and Keira's dastardly manager, who must be stopped when he sets his sights on the royal Diamond Gardenia. Peppered with bouncy songs (including a corny take on Cyndi Lauper with “Princesses Just Want to Have Fun”), cool outfits, and cute creatures, DVD extras include related webisodes, outtakes, and a music video. Sure to be popular, this feature-length film is recommended. Aud: P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Barbie: The Princess & the Popstar
(2012) 76 min. DVD: $19.98. Universal Studios Home Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). Volume 27, Issue 6
Barbie: The Princess & the Popstar
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