Five-year-old Betsy navigates her first year of school in this charming animated PBS-aired series created by teacher and author Betsy M. Quinn and directed by Academy Award–winning animator Fred Crippen. During the eight segments compiled here, the precocious student attends her first day of class, makes friends, and shares her anxieties, confusion, and excitement about this big new change. Each segment combines lessons in educational basics, such as counting, with an overarching moral theme. Betsy learns about teamwork, responsibility, and how to solve conflicts as she navigates new experiences that include going on field trips, searching for the lost class salamander, and preparing for her first visit from the tooth fairy. The simple, colorful animation boasts the pleasing look of a child's drawing, while the corresponding tone is light and friendly. Recommended. Aud: K, P. (K. Cruver)
Betsy's Kindergarten Adventures: Volume 1
(2011) 120 min. DVD: $19.95. Polka Dot Productions (dist. by Janson Media). ISBN: 978-1-56839-457-2. Volume 29, Issue 1
Betsy's Kindergarten Adventures: Volume 1
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