Five-year-old Betsy navigates kindergarten life with her classmates in this second set of adventures from the charming and relatable PBS Kids-aired animated series. In the four episodes compiled here (with two stories in each), the youngest class at Lakeshore Elementary learns about things such as the library, show and tell, and the environment, using their imaginations and playing pretend, while also expressing curiosity and fears about the wide world around them in ways that ring true to life. In one especially amusing segment, the kids are astonished to learn that their teacher, Mrs. O'Connor, actually has interests outside of the classroom (even a husband!), and that she doesn't live at Lakeshore. These life experience segments are interwoven with mini-lessons about topics including vowels, plants and seeds, and the days of the week. The constant variety keeps the show lively and fun, while the fanciful, light tone adds a bit of zest but still keeps the action grounded in the reality of an elementary-age child. A fine program for helping youngsters with the transition from home to school, this is highly recommended. Aud: K, P. (K. Cruver)
Betsy's Kindergarten Adventures: Volume 2
(2011) 120 min. DVD: $19.95. Polka Dot Productions (dist. by Janson Media). ISBN: 978-1-56839-458-9. Volume 29, Issue 3
Betsy's Kindergarten Adventures: Volume 2
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