Armed with the remote and a fresh bowl of Lucky Charms, my adolescent Saturday mornings were made complete with the Fox-aired Bobby's World, a silly animated 1990-98 series revolving around the antics of Bobby Generic (“that's Gin-urr-ick”), an innocent, inquisitive youngster with a vivid imagination. Created by C+ comedian Howie Mandel (who also provides voices for Bobby and his father Howie), the show focused on nasal four-year-old Bobby, his dad and mother Martha, older adolescent siblings-with-attitudes Derek and Kelly, know-it-all-ish Aunt Ruth (Edie McClurg) and uncouth, noogie-giving Uncle Ted. Including onscreen intros and wrap-ups featuring a live-action Mandel, this five-episode compilation starts out with “Uncle Ted's Excellent Adventure” (from season one), in which Bobby's fear of the dark is overcome after a silly “roughing it” backyard camping trip with Uncle Ted (memorable lyrics from the tune in this episode include “fish don't stink…underwater the fish don't stink”). “Bobby's Tooth or Dare” (season three) chronicles Bobby's first trip to the dentist, as he imagines a superhero-costumed doctor and mistakes plaque (teeth goo) for plaque (wall award). Also featuring “Swim By Me,” “Fish Tales” (both from season three), and “Jets, Choo-Choos and Cars” (season four), this corny collection of classic “scratch ‘n' sniff” episodes (ha, ha: when the enclosed card is scratched, it smells like…cardboard) is a strong optional purchase. [Note: also newly available, Bobby's World, Vol. 2.] Aud: P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Bobby's World: Classic Scratch ‘n' Sniff Episodes
(2004) 110 min. DVD: $9.98. Anchor Bay Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). Color cover. Closed captioned. Volume 19, Issue 5
Bobby's World: Classic Scratch ‘n' Sniff Episodes
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