Narrated by Susie Berneis, this iconographic-animated adaptation of the 2014 picture book by author Doreen Cronin and illustrator Renata Liwska centers on the titular friends—Boom the bear, Snot the snail, and Twitty the bird—who are relaxing by a tree. Each has a different idea about what to do as a super windy storm approaches (“let's go,” “let's stay,” “let's wait”) and they wind up briefly separated (having taken alternate paths to run, hide, and just be overwhelmed by the rain). When the sun comes out, the friends rejoin, but while two of them are getting sleepy, little Snot—who sports cute red bows on her antennae—has other ideas. Backed by a jaunty soundtrack and featuring a read-along option, this charming ode to friendship is recommended. Aud: K, P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Boom Snot Twitty
(2014) 4 min. DVD: $38.99. Dreamscape Media. PPR. Closed captioned. ISBN: 978-1-63379-220-3. Volume 30, Issue 3
Boom Snot Twitty
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