Burrnie, the "Hare on Health," needs to have his tonsils removed. Apprehensive but brave, he talks with other kids in the waiting room, gets a full checkup, is anesthetized, gets hooked up to an IV, has surgery, and finally goes home. Seeing a furry bunny puppet go through the entire process and come out heroically reduces the threat of all that scary medical stuff, such as needles and doctors in face masks. While not the most exciting of puppet-driven videos, this program will certainly provide a measure of comfort to a child dreading a visit to the hospital, who will be put more at ease simply by knowing what to expect. Recommended, although libraries looking for similar, less expensive fare should consider My Visit to the Doctor (VL-9/96), priced at $19.95. Aud: K, E, P. (E. Gieschen)
Burrnie Goes to the Hospital
(1999) 15 min. $89.95. Reaching the Children. PPR. Color cover. ISBN: 1-928819-00-1. Vol. 15, Issue 1
Burrnie Goes to the Hospital
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