Narrated by Dave Calabrese, this iconographic-animated adaptation of Peter Brown's acrylic-and-pencil 2006 picture book revolves around the titular adorable bulldog. Chowder is not like the other dogs (who think he's weird), but owners Madge and Bernie Wubbington embrace their toilet-trained fur-kid's quirks—including being carried in a Snuggli, wearing sunglasses and headphones, and browsing the computer. One day, Chowder spies through his Stellarscope a new billboard for a local grocery store advertising a “Critter Corral,” where he thinks he might find friends more like himself. Gently suggesting that the Wubbingtons make a food run (by eating them out of supplies), Chowder meets the petting zoo Corral creatures, but instantly becomes unpopular when he accidentally sends the group's kickball into a tree. Luckily, while on a bathroom break, plucky Chowder comes up with an idea to get things back on track. Also featuring a “Sharing My Story” segment with Brown, this cute tale is easily recommended. Aud: K, P. (J. Williams-Wood)
(2012) 12 min. DVD: $49.95 (study guide included). Nutmeg Media. PPR. ISBN: 1-933938-91-9. Volume 28, Issue 2
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