An old-fashioned animated re-telling of three classic fairy tales, narrated by Richard Chamberlain, Christopher Plummer and Glynis Johns, Classic Fairy Tales leads off with “The Little Mermaid,” Hans Christian Andersen's famous story of a young mermaid who makes a great sacrifice for the sake of happiness. The two other adaptations are drawn from Oscar Wilde stories: “The Happy Prince,” a tale about a gilded statue whose riches are shared with the poor, thanks to the work of a brave bird; and “The Selfish Giant,” the story of a lonely giant who is unkind until a little boy teaches him the joy of sharing and the rewards of caring. While the animation is rich, it's also fairly static compared with today's hyperkinetic computer-driven animation, and therefore may tax the patience of younger viewers. Recommended. Aud: K, E, P. (S. Fisher)
Classic Fairy Tales
(2001) 78 min. $14.99. Reader's Digest (dist. by Questar). PPR. Color cover. ISBN: 1-56855-811-2. Volume 17, Issue 2
Classic Fairy Tales
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