Based on the popular children's picture books by author Norman Bridwell, this 45-minute compilation from the award-winning animated PBS Kids series finds Clifford, the Big Red Dog (voiced by John Ritter) wagging his tail in four new episodes exploring the value of friendship, loyalty, and friendly compromise with his owner Emily Elizabeth, and chums T-Bone and Cleo. In the opener, “Stormy Weather,” Clifford's got a bone to bury but nobody wants him digging Olympic-size holes in their yard...until a big storm threatens the neighborhood and folks need a sea wall dug--fast. The upshot for Clifford is that he learns there's a right time and place to use one's talents. More warm and fuzzy than particularly gripping, with animation that is simply serviceable, the well-meaning Clifford Saves the Day will nevertheless be a popular addition and is recommended. Two other volumes are also available at the same price, Clifford's Fluffiest Friend Cleo and Clifford Tries His Best (a DVD featuring Clifford Saves the Day and Clifford's Fluffiest Friend Cleo, along with various extras, is also available for $19.98). Aud: K, E, P. (N. Plympton)
Clifford Saves the Day
(2001) 45 min. $12.98. Artisan Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). Color cover. Closed captioned. Volume 17, Issue 1
Clifford Saves the Day
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