The latest animated adaptation from author, illustrator, and narrator Mo Willems (Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! [VL-1/10] and The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog! [VL-3/11]), Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late! is based on the 2006 picture book. Incorporating elements from the earlier titles, the program features a giggling chorus of schoolchildren (from Philip G. Coburn Elementary in West Springfield, MA, and Marvin Elementary in Norwalk, CT) interacting with the mischievous protagonist, who doesn't want to go to sleep (he's “not even tired!”). Pigeon uses every ploy he can to distract from bedtime, including asking about “your” day, mentioning that it's the middle of the day in China, and voicing the ever-classic request “How about five more minutes?”—before eventually wearing himself out. Featuring music by Scotty Huff and Robert Reynolds, this silly tale also includes an interview with Willems, and a read-along option. Recommended. Aud: K, P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late!
(2011) 6 min. DVD: $59.95 (study guide included). Weston Woods Studios. PPR. Closed captioned. ISBN: 0-545-32610-9. Volume 27, Issue 1
Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late!
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