This animated adaptation of author and illustrator Carson Ellis’s 2017 Caldecott Honor Book—with an original language Ellis created herself—features nine narrators. A caterpillar-looking bug is the first to stumble over a green stubby plant, followed by damselflies, a ladybug, and various other anthropomorphic garden creatures wearing intricate clothes and sporting a wide range of expressions (including a studious pill bug with a ladder who lives in a nearby rustic cabin of sorts made out of a hollow log), all of whom are also interested in the exponentially growing plant, which they turn into a fun playhouse fort. Other visitors come out at night, including a slug and a cricket strumming a violin. A huge creepy spider with eight red eyes tries to spoil the fun, but suffers a twist of fate. Featuring a read-along option and descriptive video, this lovely and poignant short about nature, community, and regrowth is highly recommended. Aud: K, E, P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Du Iz Tak?
(2018) 11 min. DVD: $59.95 (study guide included). Weston Woods Studios. PPR. Closed captioned. ISBN: 978-1-338-24299-7. Volume 33, Issue 4
Du Iz Tak?
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