Visually, the Cartoon Network-aired kiddie entry Ed, Edd n Eddy is delightfully gonzo, its inventive animation style and garish colors reflecting the adolescent confusion of its identically-named boy heroes. In the six 10-minute episodes compiled here Ed, Edd, and Eddy suffer the typical nightmares of boys--such as being forced to have a tea party with Ed's (or is it Edd's?) little sister--and standard calamities, including a disastrous attempt to make an omelet. The wacky interpersonal politics of their suburban neighborhood mostly revolve around the avoidance of the icky Kanker sisters, who plan to force the boys to marry them (presenting the girls as pirates bent on boarding the boys' ocean-going ship--well, inner tube on a creek--of asexual independence is about as deep as the metaphors get here). Accompanied only by bonus "featurettes" that are mostly throwaway promo segments, this is an optional purchase. (M. Johanson)
Ed, Edd n Eddy: Volume 1: Edifying Ed-ventures
Warner, 83 min., not rated, DVD: $14.98 August 22, 2005
Ed, Edd n Eddy: Volume 1: Edifying Ed-ventures
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