This latest addition to the Families of the World series explores the daily lives of two German youngsters, filmed around the fall holidays. Rural seven-year-old Sophia lives in the fairy-tale-like town of Marburg, which served as an inspiration to the Brothers Grimm. Viewers follow Sophia (sometimes with her parents and older siblings) during various activities, including collecting eggs on a nearby farm, performing a rendition of “Singin' in the Rain” with her English class, attending a school benefit, at a guitar lesson, and celebrating St. Martin's Day. Also featured is urban Berlin 10-year-old Ole, who we initially see at a cookout with his Boy Scout group (they roast sausages and marshmallows). Ole (and sometimes his family) also prepares pumpkins and treats for Halloween, shows off a tortoise pet, takes a tour of the many city attractions and forms of transportation, does his 5th-grade homework, and practices handball. A solid entry in the popular multiple-volume travelogue and cultural awareness series, this is recommended. Aud: E, P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Families of Germany
(2011) 30 min. DVD: $29.95 (teacher’s guide included). Master Communications. PPR. Closed captioned. ISBN: 978-1-60480-113-2. Volume 27, Issue 2
Families of Germany
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