Featuring five wintery stories based on the Welsh stop-motion computer-animated series, this holiday compilation showcases the heroic efforts of the titular firefighter as he rushes to the rescue in the strangely accident-prone town of Pontypandy. “The Big Chill,” which finds the firemen adapting when weather causes a loss of electricity in the firehouse, features youngsters Norman and Mandy, who swipe Norm's mum's best scarf for a snowman—and disastrously try to dry it in the oven. Also including “The Pontypandy Polar Bear” (with a heat-sensor flying contraption that helps find twins James and Sarah when they become trapped in a cave), “Ice Cold in Pontypandy,” and “Snowball of Doom,” the final episode “Floodlights” focuses on the consequences of being unsafe during a quest to win a lighting display competition. Also including “Safety Show” tips and a “Merry Christmas Everybody” music video, this action-filled holiday collection is recommended. Aud: P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Fireman Sam: Holiday Heroes
(2012) 47 min. DVD: $9.98. Lionsgate (avail. from most distributors). Closed captioned. December 17, 2012
Fireman Sam: Holiday Heroes
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