This iconographic-animated program features adaptations of two picture books by author James Howe and illustrator Amy Walrod: 1999's Horace and Morris But Mostly Dolores and 2002's Horace and Morris Join the Chorus (But What About Dolores?). The poetically named trio of mice are “now and forever I'm yours” friends, but in Horace and Morris But Mostly Dolores, the rodents go their separate ways when Horace and Morris join a boys-only Mega Mice club. Left out, Dolores turns to the female-friendly Cheese Puffs, but eventually gets bored and coaxes the boys back for more adventures with a new group open to both genders, The Frisky Whiskers. In Horace and Morris Join the Chorus, Horace sings the high notes, Morris takes the low ones, and Dolores is huffy because her tone-deafness doesn't impress choir leader Moustro Provolone. Awash in self-pity, Dolores sends Provolone a sulky—though well-written—note about her disappointment, which doesn't last long because the latter ends up praising her songwriting skills. Featuring tongue-in-cheek narration by David Calabrese, these simple stories offer solid lessons about friendship, tolerance, and persistence. Recommended. Aud: K, E, P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Horace, Morris & Dolores
(2007) 13 min. DVD or VHS: $69.95. Nutmeg Media (study guide included). PPR. ISBN: 1-933938-18-8 (dvd), 1-933938-04-8 (vhs). Volume 22, Issue 5
Horace, Morris & Dolores
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