This animated adaptation of author Jane Yolen’s 2018 12th picture book in the popular dinosaur series finds the immense, lovable dinosaurs learning to read. The rhyming text, enthusiastically delivered by Yolen, begins by asking some silly questions regarding how dinosaurs treat books and reading. Do dinosaurs throw books at cats? Use books as shovels? Flip pages without looking at the text? Or read on the potty and make a mess? Dinosaurs, of course, do none of these things and instead are kind to books, read each word carefully, and love to read before bedtime. Mark Teague’s delightfully humorous illustrations show various dinosaurs in home settings with furniture and human parents who are much smaller than the titular creatures that drape their bodies on tiny chairs and small beds. Original music—marked by piano, violin, and other instruments—as well as sound effects of flipping book pages add spark. Extras include an "About Reading" segment that introduces basic reading concepts. Also featuring a read-along option, this is recommended. Aud: K, E, P. (S. Beauregard)
How Do Dinosaurs Learn to Read?
(2019) 7 min. DVD: $59.95 (study guide included). Weston Woods Studios. PPR. Closed captioned. ISBN: 978-1-33853-477-1. Volume 34, Issue 6
How Do Dinosaurs Learn to Read?
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