Based on characters created by cartoonist and fashion designer Paul Frank, this compilation from the Nick Jr.-aired animated series features six stories starring monkey Julius Jr. and friends. “Worry Bear's Collection” finds the gang (including giraffe, raccoon, and panda pals) using MacGyver-like inventor Julius's sticker finder to help Worry Bear with his collection, although the obsessed WB winds up missing out on fun activities with the rest of the group (such as snowboarding with Icelaska-based yeti dude Shaka Brah). Including “Rocket Roller Skates,” “No Snow Mo,” and “Make a Flake,” this Snow Monkey Adventures collection also features a Backwards Day celebration in “Gravity Games” (which finds Worry Bear again putting a damper on things), and “The Sneaky Snackers,” in which the animal friends join forces with an insect pal to uncover the mystery of who took their picnic basket—and ultimately learn to ask first instead of making assumptions. A fun and often whimsical series that serves up simple lessons, this is recommended. [Note: Julius Jr.: Pirates and Superheroes is also newly available.] Aud: P. (J. Williams-Wood)
Julius Jr.: Snow Monkey Adventures
(2013) 66 min. DVD: $16.98. Lionsgate Entertainment (avail. from most distributors). Closed captioned. Volume 30, Issue 2
Julius Jr.: Snow Monkey Adventures
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