Heroes are not hard to find in this 60-minute animated adventure that launched Cartoon Network's top-rated animated series. Justice League reunites the former "Super Friends" into an all-star contemporary supergroup for the new millennium. Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, amazon Wonder Woman ("the rookie with the tiara"), Green Lantern, the Flash, Hawkgirl, and initiate Martian Manhunter band together to fend off a War of the Worlds-style alien invasion. A wisecracking Flash gets most of the good lines, but Batman does get off a couple of zingers. When Superman departs at one point because he is needed in Metropolis, the Caped Crusader inquires, "Another key to the city?" The clever writing, explosive action, way-cool alien beasties, and who's who roster of superheroes will thrill young comic book fans stoked by the theatrical release of Spider-Man. Recommended. Aud: P. (K. Lee Benson)
Justice League
(2001) 60 min. VHS: $14.95, DVD: $19.98. Warner Home Video (avail. from most distributors). Color cover. Closed captioned. ISBN: 0-7907-6590-X (dvd). Volume 17, Issue 4
Justice League
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